Tantra - it's the way of realization of wishes

Tantra – it’s life. Where tantra was born? And what it is?

It is the oldest art, the oldest way to God. In contrast to tantra there exists asceticism. What is asceticism? It is limitation in everything, in other words, when a man rejects from everything.

But Tantra? Tantra – it is the way of fulfilling wishes. That’s why the way of tantra is so attractive.

The way of tantra - this is an original way. In what it concludes? That a man rejects nothing. If a man has riches, he uses them, but is concient about it. When you eat something, and you are concient, then you are practicing tantra. If you in this moment control yourself, your respiration, you control yourself in order not to overeat, concentrate on sensations, and are concient, understand for what you are doing it, that you serve God at this moment, it means, you pray. That is tantra.

The great way of tantra

A human being has an axis, on which is located his entire essence. This axis, or Aharata column, is called in tantra mahalinga, in physical body – it is the spine with three separate branches grown to the body: skull, humeral vertebra, which grew in the bone of hands, and posterior, to which feet are fixed. Skeleton - this is the body of death, on which, as on the cross of Christians, overlays the body of life – the flesh. Every body of seven that a human being has exists an axis and its surrounding shells, that are called mahayony. Any object in this world has the same structure. The structure of mahalinga consists of the central channel Aharata and of two lateral ones: the sensory channel Ida, which flows on the left side, and the motoric channel of Pudgala - on the right. These channels begin from the feet, from the level of backside of the head they cross and reach the hemispheres of the brain: Ida – on the right, Pudgala – on the left. Ida governs the perception of a human being, his senses, desires, and is connected with left side of the body. It carries the astrological qualities of the Moon. Pudgala is the contrast to Ida. It controls the movements, activity, and is connected with the Sun and the right side of the body.

The entire vital activity of a human being is connected with the functioning of these two channels, which express according to the principle: impression (Ida) - estimation (chakra) - reaction (Pudgala). In order to connect with the Higher reality of Paramashakty a human being must leave this circle of samsara and enter the state of pirodha, no identification, when no impressions are accompanied by the template of estimations and automatic reactions, but this means: the energy is transferred from the Ida and Pudgala to Aharata. For example, someone said to you something (impression), you estimated that it was an insult – you offended, then you answered (reaction) and perceived how other person reacted to you, again you estimated, again reacted. The estimation forces you to have the certain kind of circle of reactions, to which your life is limited.

Bell to the dinner is heard, but you do not have the desire to eat; however, you put yourself to do it. Food is not tasty, but you constrain yourself. It is your estimation. When it disappears, then all actions will become spontaneous. You were told something, but for you it is only as a sound. Bell to the dinner was heard, but you do not feel like eating and start doing what you want. You were attacked, but you were not lost, frightened, angered, but clearly and correctly, without the fuss you reacted. An earthquake occurred, but your essence long before knew that it will come, and you left to a safe place. This is what gives the possibility to live without pro­grams and estimations. Estimations in you were brought up by society, parents. They couldn’t give you understanding, they gave you templates in order to somehow orient in this world.

The second key moment consists of the fact that a human being is identified with his senses and the organs of perception, with the mind, which evaluates incoming information, with the reactions of the body. Human being is a soul, witness of the activity of the body, feelings and the mind, but isn’t they. We speak: "My hand, my thoughts, my feelings, but who is the I? Their owner? I – it is the soul, managing their functioning with the willpower or is without the willpower looking at them, is identified with the actions of his instruments ". Human being must be awake, i.e., to constantly remember, who he is and who are his instrument, not to identify with the processes, to develop the understanding of himself and the control of the willpower over the functioning of his essence, to be alert in order not to fall asleep in identifications.

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