The Sexual center


"Tantra will ensure the complete value of life, complete movement of energy. Tantra gives unconditional freedom, independence of who you are, and independence of what you can be. The essence is that when you are absolutely free, you achieve much"

Most often these days the sexual center along with other centers works incorrectly.

Furthermore the other centers which are working incorrectly use the energy of the sexual center, which if it is working wrongly makes the vicious circle even worse.

The sexual center is the center of Nature, and it is the most powerful one, but without knowing how to manage it, a man will become its slave.

Wherever sexual energy is being directed is where that person’s attention will be. In childhood the sexual center begins to awaken, but parents close it, and the result is that energy starts to accumulate. Further on, because attention is most commonly directed towards sex and making children, the correct functioning of the sexual center is disrupted.

The energy of the sexual center rises up to the other centers. When it reaches the emotional center, in the case where this center is working incorrectly it will activate neuroses and similarly when it reaches the intellectual centers the result will be psychoses.

The energy of the sexual center is connected with the realization of wishes.

Since women are generally more introverted this energy accumulates inside them and can lead to diseases or imagination/fantasies of a partner/s. If, however, we were able to direct this energy correctly from childhood we would fulfill all our desires.

How can one learn to manage sexual energy?

To begin with we must learn not to close it off in ourselves and in others.

All energy that has accumulated must be expressed; for example by making contact with onome, dancing, singing, aesthetic contemplation, entertainment and so on. The main thing is not to hold back the energy, but to enjoy it.

But also not only that – we must learn to direct it towards developing our hidden super-abilities and towards developing consciousness.
Sexual energy ignites your inner fire and your passion for success!

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