1. Observation
Getting free from fear and stress starts with practices of relaxation (so-called auto-training), that you need to maintain at all times throughout the day. Any muscles of the body that are not being used should be relaxed, especially the muscles of the face. This is achieved by doing the following: tense your whole body as much as you can, and then immediately relax and allow your body to fall onto something soft. Contort your face into a grimace, and then immediately relax it. Do these exercises as frequently as possible.
It is very important to observe your breathing. It should be smooth, calm and silent. Any superfluous tension or noisy unrythmic respiration reflects an internal conflict. If your breathing is tense, take a deep inhalation and several rapid exhalations through the mouth.
In the same way we should work with our emotional energy. When you feel a negative emotional impulse, it will be concentrated in one of the chakras in a particular part of the body such as the chest or solar plexus. What you need to do is relax this area, balance the breathing and feel how this emotional state is spreading out over the whole body, and then leaving the body and disappearing out into space. Never store such feelings inside as stress and imbalanced respiration.
Internal discomfort creates disturbances in the mind. The mind will then start to conceive of negative thoughts, and imagining terrible scenarios, unpleasant images, as well as inner dialogue with imaginary enemies.
The mind of a human being is not properly formed and people are governed by emotions, and desires. Stop imagination and inner dialogue, but don’t condemn, or argue with them, never entertain negative imaginations because thought has a big power, and everything you imagine, sooner or later begins to manifest.
A person must learn to live in a serene relaxed state, regulating their body, breathing and inner drive and aspiration. If you are always in a hurry to get somewhere, your thoughts are not here and now, but there where your attention is; if you are worrying about something, then energy inside you will be compressed, and can start to form a center of gravity outside your body. This is clearly noticeable: when you are in a hurry your energy is in front of your body in the form of globular ball. Actions don’t need to become phlegmatic however, you can act clearly, fluidly, rapidly, observantly, and at the same time without any excess fuss; just calmly, as if in weightlessness. Sensitively feel how something is acting through you; this is Prakritoshakti, which regulates the movements of your muscles. You become just the observer of all this work. Do not think about the results and purpose of the action, simply observe. Notice how the eyesight becomes fixed and calm under its effect, and the eyelids drop lower to cover part of the eyes, and the focus of the eyes lowers slightly, as if you’re awareness is taking in the entire space around you, not fixed only in the point directly in front of you.
Dhlanynatyam is a meditation practice to work with this phenomenon. In this practice you begin to make spontaneous sounds, as you allow them to flow out of you, and as you let your mouth speak, all the time simply being a witness to what is happening. After some time this practice enables many different kinds of voices to speak through you. All that is required for this is to mentally ask a question, then empty the mind and to begin dhlany. For example, you can connect with Christ whilst looking at an icon of him or reading the Gospels. Then you can ask him something and begin dhlany. After emptying your mind of all thoughts, it will suddenly feel as if someone is starting to speak through your mouth, it will not be your voice that gives the answer to your question. In the same way it is possible to connect to any essence/spirit.
After dhlany, start with natya-dance. Move freely and spontaneously, as if some unknown force puts you in motion. This force is Kundalini Shakti. You start to dance and continue with Dhlany. The dance continues but the dancer has disappeared. This is nedeyanye, when you become weightless, and observe how something is acting through you.
Mastering Natya, you can practice automatic writing. Take a pen, then completely relax your hand, as if it is not yours. Have the intention to connect to a particular being with whom you have an affinity, ie, open yourself emotionally to Buddha, and pronounce the name “Gautama,” recalling all that you know about this great being, and then feel how he begins to act through your hand, and ask a question, clearing the mind of all thoughts. The hand will start to move, writing some signs and such like, and then the answer.
Practicing nedeyanye, you will become the conductor of Highest Powers. It is very important only to tune in to them. Many people have suffered because they were not tuned in to the Highest Power, which allowed dark forces to manifest through them. But you do not need to worry about that.
This is the first stage of contact with Highest Cosmic Powers on the great Way of Tantra.
May you have success! OM!
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