Why does love disappear? Where do all the bright and wonderful feelings go once a couple start to live together? The truth is the ability to love is a great art which needs to be learnt. But none of this is explained in our schools or institutes; unfortunately nothing is said about it. Why else does it take monks 40 years and more to learn to love God and others as themselves?
One well-known comedian said: "If your wife left and you didn’t grieve, then wait – she will return, and with her the grief!"
Within a family where there are two opposite energy structures, one being a yang energetic charge and the other yin, it means that one partner will express the energy of fiery or air signs (astrological), and the other will express the energy of terrestrial or water signs. In such cases there will always be a tendency to friction, and different conflicting situations will come up between this man and woman. If there are two people with the same predominant signs their relationship will be harmonious, and the family will live a comfortable, lazy or passive life, in which stressful situations will rarely arise. Sooner or later this young couple will start to look like young elders, and moreover, ill. Why? Because the more friction there is in a family, or at work, the healthier people will be.
Any friction confronting a person from the external world is a resolution of an internal conflict – if a person can understand this energetic process. But if they remain ignorant of this process, their energy will be misdirected and will invariably explode in various external situations or onto others. The worst situation of all is when a person starts wanting to express their anger or frustration to their partner, but instead holds it back, which forces this energy inwards where it takes on distorted forms. When other similar occasions arise this distorted energy cluster begins to grow, and takes on its own consciousness, as a result – this “creature” starts to lead the person. This is how and why aggression starts to develop in husbands which can reach the point where they start to be a threat to the family.
Unfortunately, people do not know how to change this prevailing situation. What happens when a conflict hits? This is like a toughening spark, which first heats up the physical bodies and then cools them down again. Couples often say that by arguing they raise their energy, and clear whatever scandal has arisen, thereby having no more issues or claims over each other. If a family were to live like this all the time, these people would develop very quickly, and many surprising things would occur. Surrounding people cannot envy such a family because the family actually creates around themselves such a strong energy field that it acts like a screen so that other people can’t “see” them. The density of their field would cause any surrounding people to weaken at the knees, shifting people’s normal point of perception. Other people will not be able to see the internal work that goes on within this family, or be able to perceive their great energy. But anybody who interacts with members of this family would receive energy, because they have it in large quantities. The couple in this family would soon realize that they have a happy life, as they observe how their wishes and intentions are realized much faster than other people’s.
Try now, in this moment to change your perception about conflict, and the next time some scandal or misunderstanding arises in your family, ask yourself: “Can I love this person who I live with for what they are doing now?” If your answer were positive and there was real love, then no conflict would ever occur, but the fact that it has occurred means there is the possibility to develop energetically, for you and your partner. It is also useful to remember past negative situations and imagine yourself in the position of the other person and say: “I did this because of that…” And in this way you will discover the reason why your partner acted the way they did. Doing this you attract a special kind of energy to you which will help you to rework any negativity that remains within you into positive energy.
Love and patience to you!
The real miracle
Svetlana Samoletova from L.A.: "When my husband left me and my fourteen year old daughter, it was a big shock. At the beginning I cursed this woman who had taken him away. I went to see different witch doctors, and they all told me that this woman had put a spell on him. Someone offered to return him by taking the case to court; another person suggested putting a curse on this woman.
But in my heart I felt none of these things were necessary or right. When he came to visit or I saw them meet on the street, my heart felt like it would drown in blood and burst. Yes, like that I cried to myself bitterly every night; and I couldn’t sleep. I tried to act with pride and dignity, showing my independence, but it didn’t help. I begged him to return, but it was no use. And when I reached the point of complete desperation, one woman – a healer, suggested that I go to the School of Tantra. At this moment I was prepared to do anything, so I didn’t think much about it, I just signed up. Soon I received answers to my situation which helped me to reclaim myself – the bright person that I used to be many years ago in my youth.
As I started to practice the exercises given by the school, I experienced a huge increase of energy; I didn’t want to eat or sleep. All I wanted to do was move and dance all the time. As a result I realized I had lost ten kilos. But this was only the beginning. I had already learnt how and what to eat, when to be active and how much, and also what points of the body to massage and heal. The instructor taught me that it is very important to dress beautifully, to wear make-up and always be in a good mood and friendly. I liked my new life-style so much that even my daughter told me I was looking younger day-by-day. I stopped crying at nights.
Once I was with family friends, for someone's birthday. Totally unexpectedly for me my husband arrived. I decided to put into practice everything I had been learning: I acted the queen. I became the center of attention, expressing high and positive emotions, and it captivated everybody. I treated him like all the rest, as if there had never been anything between us in the past, and it all worked. The next day he was at the door on his knees, as he asked me for forgiveness. I forgave. Besides anything else, our daughter needs a father. But now things are better than they ever were before because I know to always keep myself in good form so that my life will always be at this height of happiness and success".
May you and your close ones understand each other even from half a word!
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