The Sexual center


"Tantra will ensure the complete value of life, complete movement of energy. Tantra gives unconditional freedom, independence of who you are, and independence of what you can be. The essence is that when you are absolutely free, you achieve much"

Most often these days the sexual center along with other centers works incorrectly.

Furthermore the other centers which are working incorrectly use the energy of the sexual center, which if it is working wrongly makes the vicious circle even worse.

The sexual center is the center of Nature, and it is the most powerful one, but without knowing how to manage it, a man will become its slave.

Wherever sexual energy is being directed is where that person’s attention will be. In childhood the sexual center begins to awaken, but parents close it, and the result is that energy starts to accumulate. Further on, because attention is most commonly directed towards sex and making children, the correct functioning of the sexual center is disrupted.

The energy of the sexual center rises up to the other centers. When it reaches the emotional center, in the case where this center is working incorrectly it will activate neuroses and similarly when it reaches the intellectual centers the result will be psychoses.

The energy of the sexual center is connected with the realization of wishes.

Since women are generally more introverted this energy accumulates inside them and can lead to diseases or imagination/fantasies of a partner/s. If, however, we were able to direct this energy correctly from childhood we would fulfill all our desires.

How can one learn to manage sexual energy?

To begin with we must learn not to close it off in ourselves and in others.

All energy that has accumulated must be expressed; for example by making contact with onome, dancing, singing, aesthetic contemplation, entertainment and so on. The main thing is not to hold back the energy, but to enjoy it.

But also not only that – we must learn to direct it towards developing our hidden super-abilities and towards developing consciousness.
Sexual energy ignites your inner fire and your passion for success!

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Tantra - it's the way of realization of wishes

Tantra – it’s life. Where tantra was born? And what it is?

It is the oldest art, the oldest way to God. In contrast to tantra there exists asceticism. What is asceticism? It is limitation in everything, in other words, when a man rejects from everything.

But Tantra? Tantra – it is the way of fulfilling wishes. That’s why the way of tantra is so attractive.

The way of tantra - this is an original way. In what it concludes? That a man rejects nothing. If a man has riches, he uses them, but is concient about it. When you eat something, and you are concient, then you are practicing tantra. If you in this moment control yourself, your respiration, you control yourself in order not to overeat, concentrate on sensations, and are concient, understand for what you are doing it, that you serve God at this moment, it means, you pray. That is tantra.

The great way of tantra

A human being has an axis, on which is located his entire essence. This axis, or Aharata column, is called in tantra mahalinga, in physical body – it is the spine with three separate branches grown to the body: skull, humeral vertebra, which grew in the bone of hands, and posterior, to which feet are fixed. Skeleton - this is the body of death, on which, as on the cross of Christians, overlays the body of life – the flesh. Every body of seven that a human being has exists an axis and its surrounding shells, that are called mahayony. Any object in this world has the same structure. The structure of mahalinga consists of the central channel Aharata and of two lateral ones: the sensory channel Ida, which flows on the left side, and the motoric channel of Pudgala - on the right. These channels begin from the feet, from the level of backside of the head they cross and reach the hemispheres of the brain: Ida – on the right, Pudgala – on the left. Ida governs the perception of a human being, his senses, desires, and is connected with left side of the body. It carries the astrological qualities of the Moon. Pudgala is the contrast to Ida. It controls the movements, activity, and is connected with the Sun and the right side of the body.

The entire vital activity of a human being is connected with the functioning of these two channels, which express according to the principle: impression (Ida) - estimation (chakra) - reaction (Pudgala). In order to connect with the Higher reality of Paramashakty a human being must leave this circle of samsara and enter the state of pirodha, no identification, when no impressions are accompanied by the template of estimations and automatic reactions, but this means: the energy is transferred from the Ida and Pudgala to Aharata. For example, someone said to you something (impression), you estimated that it was an insult – you offended, then you answered (reaction) and perceived how other person reacted to you, again you estimated, again reacted. The estimation forces you to have the certain kind of circle of reactions, to which your life is limited.

Bell to the dinner is heard, but you do not have the desire to eat; however, you put yourself to do it. Food is not tasty, but you constrain yourself. It is your estimation. When it disappears, then all actions will become spontaneous. You were told something, but for you it is only as a sound. Bell to the dinner was heard, but you do not feel like eating and start doing what you want. You were attacked, but you were not lost, frightened, angered, but clearly and correctly, without the fuss you reacted. An earthquake occurred, but your essence long before knew that it will come, and you left to a safe place. This is what gives the possibility to live without pro­grams and estimations. Estimations in you were brought up by society, parents. They couldn’t give you understanding, they gave you templates in order to somehow orient in this world.

The second key moment consists of the fact that a human being is identified with his senses and the organs of perception, with the mind, which evaluates incoming information, with the reactions of the body. Human being is a soul, witness of the activity of the body, feelings and the mind, but isn’t they. We speak: "My hand, my thoughts, my feelings, but who is the I? Their owner? I – it is the soul, managing their functioning with the willpower or is without the willpower looking at them, is identified with the actions of his instruments ". Human being must be awake, i.e., to constantly remember, who he is and who are his instrument, not to identify with the processes, to develop the understanding of himself and the control of the willpower over the functioning of his essence, to be alert in order not to fall asleep in identifications.

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Sexuality and spirituality

In Taoism, as in Tantra and pre-Christian traditions, sexuality and spirituality are inseparable. A love relationship between a man and woman can be the embodiment of spirituality, as it is through profound union with a loved one that a person can understand ultimate harmony and spiritual union with the Universe, with God.

Many people would agree that ecstatic happiness and transcendent states of consciousness are experienced more from making love and uniting with a beloved than by going to church to worship God. When a couple make love there is the possibility to escape the sense of being a separate “I” as they unite and connect through merging with the other and reach into the universal. This is one of the reasons why the Church has always suppressed sexuality, and only sanctioned sex for the purpose of procreation. Indeed the Church has branded sex with the same negative stamp as the mystical doctrines which celebrated the fact that human beings can be united with God, and sought to inspire man to reach for such high ideals.

Deep connection and union with a beloved partner can bring a person back into harmony and spiritual union with Nature, the Universe, the Absolute, and their own inner essence, which has been suppressed and restricted. Many religious and spiritual teachers have talked about this fact.
Real spirituality lies in reality. Each one of us carries the Divine essence within. As mentioned earlier, in Taoism, Tantra, and pre-Christian religions, sexuality and spirituality are inseparable. Spirituality is embodied in the reality of life, in relations between men and women, in their basic experience of life, in love. Spirit embodies every aspect of the physical world, including the body. In many religions and cultures love is spontaneous, natural and unpredictable, whilst in Taoism a harmonious system was established through which physical, earthly, sexual energy “chin” can be transformed into vital bio-energy, the energy of life, and then into the energy of love and creativity – which is “chi”. Continuous cleaning and development of the vital energy transforms it into spiritual energy shen. In fact all three types of energies co-exist in the organism. They are in continuous union and self-regulation. We are talking about differences in quantity only and in particular the excess of one type of energy. What is known as the “communion of souls” is the result of an interaction between vital and spiritual energy. The peak experiences of making love are actually considered one of the most important components of life. Tantric ideas and Taoist techniques help to transform an orgasm from a purely physical experience into a spiritual one, and raises the connection between a couple from the physical level to an energetic exchange at a spiritual level, that directs their life forces into the spiritual sphere.

Nature created woman for erotic love. We were created by sex. We talk and read about it, make jokes, listen to anecdotes, watch sensual films and pictures, dress to be more attractive, and get satisfaction from compliments.
By her nature a woman is always ready; physically and psychologically a woman can make love every day of her adult life; even during pregnancy and breast-feeding. A woman is the expressive creation of nature. Besides the human being no other species in the animal world possesses this ability or possibility. Apart from women all other females in the animal kingdom, have a very strictly defined time for sexual interaction. There is a physiological rhythm which defines the times when a female animal can become pregnant. However when a woman will get pregnant or not, no one knows; we can only speak about the greater or lesser probabilities. If a woman wants to conceive a child she must make love constantly!
It is not only women who are programmed to make love constantly – Men are too. If the sexual act were only to ensure the continuation of the human race, why did Nature/God create the male organs with an impulse to have sexual realization with a woman up to 2 or 3 thousand times in a life-time, and not only to produce sufficient off-spring? How can we explain the fact that human sexuality awakens long before there is any biological possibility of conceiving a child? Even the hormonal system in human beings impels a person to make love constantly. In animals the female hormones cause excitation, but in women sexual excitement is activated by the masculine hormone testosterone. Oestrogen – the female sexual hormone is only necessary for reproduction. All these factors suggest that it is within the plan of Nature for human beings to make love constantly – every day.

Ask yourself: do you like it? Do you want it? How is sex connected with morality, religion and spiritual development? Which is more acceptable to you: monogamy or polygamy? Have you only ever had sex with one partner? Are you satisfied with your sex life? Do your views about sex correspond with your religious stance and moral and social standards of behavior? Do you feel that sex limits personal freedom in any way? Is sex connected with violence, art, creativity or politics? Is sex connected with guilt for you? Did you know that absence of sexual desire is the sign of dis-ease? Did you know that the expression of sexual energy influences our thinking, behavior and self-development? Why did the psychiatrist Sigmund Freud become so famous throughout the whole world? Is your knowledge of love-making complete? Do you want to learn something new? Do you have answers to all these questions?

In Russia I hear the expression "conjugal commitment" a lot. It’s very common. Wives leave their husbands because they don’t fulfill their “conjugal duties" or even worse "he refuses to fulfill his conjugal duties". It’s already reason for divorce! Do you think that a wife really wants her husband to wash the dishes, or go to the supermarket and pick up the children from school? You’re wrong! It comes down to whether she is fulfilled from making love. In truth it is more important for a woman that her husband meets his “conjugal commitments" than whether everything is in order and he is bringing home a good salary.

Religions in patriarchal society have suppressed man’s natural sexuality. In Pagan, or other primitive religions which existed during matriarchal periods however religious and sexual experience were unified. Once the shift from matriarchy to patriarchy took place however, and natural right gave way to class distinction, sexual experience was separated from religious practice, and they have remained on opposite sides of a divide ever since.

Nevertheless despite the fact that sexuality and spirituality were separated in this way, the basis of all religious experience was still rooted in sexual energy. The same sexual hormones help to raise a person to a state of religious ecstasy. Psychiatrists say that the state of religious ecstasy is the same as the state of sexual arousal of the nervous system, except it doesn’t lead to ejaculation.

Whether we accept it or not religion and sexuality are connected. For some this connection is natural and hormonal, but for others it is deformed and terrible. People who practice yoga know about the connection between Kundalini and sexual energy. But the expression of Kundalini is at the apex of spiritual understanding. Significant religious and spiritual experience is impossible without arousal of Kundalini energy.
Modern medicine is aware of the important connection between the sperm in men and the ovaries in women with the hypophysis. The hypophysis governs the intellect, thinking and memory and regulates the activity of other glands. On an energetic level however it is connected with the "third eye" which is why esoteric schools focus their attention there during meditation practices.

Civilized humanity lives in great fear of the original sin, the sin of Adam and Eve. A sinful woman tempted a good man; but tempted him with what? It is understandable with what – what can a woman tempt a man with? With her body. It is said in the Bible that they were naked! Artists have illustrated this biblical scene. The act of temptation has been portrayed in the famous painting of the prostitute who entices the respectable family man into the basement. In reality the temptation of the first man and woman had nothing to do with sex; for them sex was as normal and natural as day and night, Sun the Moon, food and sleep. They didn’t have any concept of what was spiritual and what was not, what they could do and what they couldn’t, what was correct and what wasn’t. Even clothing was unnecessary; they were always warm, and they lived freely. But then they were suddenly expelled from Paradise out into the world of duality. This is the world which we live in now. Now we divide everything, classify it and stick labels on it. Some people even say that unless we know evil we cannot know what is good. Others go further and say: "If you don’t sin – you can’t repent". People can sin at home and work, and then go to the Temple/Church to repent these things. But we are at home everyday. If the most religious person only goes to the Temple once a week; does it mean that they live in sin for the other six and a half days?

Civilized society has somehow failed to acknowledge the fact that Eve tasted the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil. She saw that the world is dual; that she was a woman, and he was a man; that there is good, and there is evil, that there is black and white, poor and good, day and night, hot and cold, Yin and Yang. She gave this "poison" to Adam too. But how does this poison of duality work? It divides man from God, from the Absolute and from unity, and if we search for the devil we will find him precisely here, in this duality, and not in the fact that sometimes they were naked. Wise men have overcome this duality, and regained unity with everything, because everything is united!

Maybe from our understanding they didn’t actually make love, perhaps they were just constantly in the state of love, in the state of unity and happiness. It is not important what parts of the body they used. They had no concepts of “this is good and this is shameful”, and “if we do this mother, priest or our guardian will punish us”. They had no fear; there were no prohibitions or taboos, except to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Perhaps sexuality emerged after God expelled the happy pair from Paradise? Read the bible again. Adam felt bored being alone; there was no happiness or harmony in his soul. So God gave him a wife. And "he got to know her". Even according to the biblical version, lovemaking was not only a norm, but also a necessary element of harmony and happiness for man. And undoubtedly this was what they did in paradise. They didn’t have to struggle for survival.

The Inquisition of recent times, during the Middle Ages added fuel to the fire. The "Holy fathers" feared the manifestation of feminine natural power, female energy, because female sexual energy is more powerful than masculine energy. True, men have physical power, money or authority, but a woman has wisdom, craftiness, instinct and sexual energy. Christianity fought against other religions and ideologies and destroyed everything and every person who didn’t agree with their doctrine. From having once been the persecuted Christians became the persecutors. As a result the entire edifice of spirituality was torn from sexuality, and spirit was made to contradict the body.

In the middle of summer in Russia people have always celebrated Janco Kupal's day, when naked girls would gather flowers and bathe at night in the river.
Do you remember Tarkovsky’s film "Andrey Rublev"? In this film girls not only make garlands of flowers; this is the only day of the year when a woman could allow herself to express her true female essence and sexuality. These are echoes of the ancient Slavic rites, that became assimilated and mixed with Christian holy-days, but many other traditions and rituals were wiped out. The significance behind the Easter cake came from somewhere pre-Christian, and it clearly resembles a very sacred Tantric symbol. And why are eggs painted red? Almost no-one knows of the ancient myth that this tradition recalls, that told of how evil spirits were frightened away by the "lunar blood of the woman". No one reads the Evangelists, except specialists, but in it we learn of how Christ had related with Magdalene in a very natural and normal way. She did not only pour oil on his head -- she also massaged his body: the massage that was written about. His male disciples reproached Christ for spending more time with Magdalene than with them.

That there is a connection not only between sexual energy and spirituality, but also with violence, cruelty and crime is well known. Some psychologists consider that a person who is motivated to enter politics having come from a different background is almoste certainly suffering from some disturbance in their sexual life. Maybe that’s why one of the requirements demanded of presidential candidates in some countries is proof that they have a “normal” family. Everybody would agree that the likes of Lenin, Hitler and Stalin were deviations from the norm. But just how many people live constantly in deviation from the norm?

The Church attempts to maintain humanity under some control by inducing fear and regulating sexual expression and experience. I do not have objective data, but it seems that the violence and cruelty displayed in much of the Christian world is no different from so-called primitive societies or tribes. But these primitive peoples literally laughed at how Christian missionaries made love. Contemporary prophets are declaring with one voice that humanity does not have any alternative besides the spiritual way of self-development. Will humanity cease to make love?

It seems to me that besides the real integration of body, consciousness and Spirit, you and I, in this so-called progressive humanity have no other way. From duality and the contradictions of competition we must arrive at unity and harmony. That is the spiritual paradigm shift we are experiencing, because the Kaliyuga age -- the iron century devoid of spirituality must give way to the Satya-yuga phase - the Golden Age of spirituality. There are quite a large number of people of the opinion that Russia will be the center of humanity’s spiritual revival. I also want to think that. Moreover, I hope that the basic conditions of Tantra will contribute to this process. What is there to indicate that this assumption is true?

1. Predictions of saints.
2. Strong spiritual roots. A natural inner spirituality of the people.
3. There is a special spirit and energy of Russia.
4. An inner tendency toward the search for new ways of development and self-improvement.
5. Courage to sacrifice oneself for an idea.
6. The ego is not so deeply felt as in other "civilized" nations.

Along with the above mentioned points there is a general opinion that Russians are natural tantrics. The massive manifestation of Kundalini and spontaneous Yoga further strengthens my ideas on this.

Christian asceticism and yogic abstention (Brahmacharya) share the same concept at the heart of it all. For spiritual development, and spiritual growth it is necessary to have a constant flow of sexual energy. It doesn’t need to be suppressed or destroyed, but it needs to be sublimated and can then be used for rejuvenation and spiritual development. If this energy was not necessary on the way of spiritual development, then what would be simpler than castration? But no castrated man has become brilliant or a saint. That’s why abstention, sublimation and transformation of sexual energy give the energy of life and fuel the energy of the spirit. Medieval alchemical terms about the transformation of lead and mercury into gold conceal this process exactly. Even in order to meditate sexual energy is needed. The best time for meditation for many people is the early morning, as this is when the channel of the liver and the channel of sexual energy are active.

Hindus believe that the cosmic energy of creation is sexual energy. It manifests on the terrestrial and planetary level in a macro-cosmic scale of the entire Universe and on the micro-cosmic scale in each person.


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Liberation from fears and stresses

1. Observation

Getting free from fear and stress starts with practices of relaxation (so-called auto-training), that you need to maintain at all times throughout the day. Any muscles of the body that are not being used should be relaxed, especially the muscles of the face. This is achieved by doing the following: tense your whole body as much as you can, and then immediately relax and allow your body to fall onto something soft. Contort your face into a grimace, and then immediately relax it. Do these exercises as frequently as possible.

It is very important to observe your breathing. It should be smooth, calm and silent. Any superfluous tension or noisy unrythmic respiration reflects an internal conflict. If your breathing is tense, take a deep inhalation and several rapid exhalations through the mouth.

In the same way we should work with our emotional energy. When you feel a negative emotional impulse, it will be concentrated in one of the chakras in a particular part of the body such as the chest or solar plexus. What you need to do is relax this area, balance the breathing and feel how this emotional state is spreading out over the whole body, and then leaving the body and disappearing out into space. Never store such feelings inside as stress and imbalanced respiration.

Internal discomfort creates disturbances in the mind. The mind will then start to conceive of negative thoughts, and imagining terrible scenarios, unpleasant images, as well as inner dialogue with imaginary enemies.

The mind of a human being is not properly formed and people are governed by emotions, and desires. Stop imagination and inner dialogue, but don’t condemn, or argue with them, never entertain negative imaginations because thought has a big power, and everything you imagine, sooner or later begins to manifest.

A person must learn to live in a serene relaxed state, regulating their body, breathing and inner drive and aspiration. If you are always in a hurry to get somewhere, your thoughts are not here and now, but there where your attention is; if you are worrying about something, then energy inside you will be compressed, and can start to form a center of gravity outside your body. This is clearly noticeable: when you are in a hurry your energy is in front of your body in the form of globular ball. Actions don’t need to become phlegmatic however, you can act clearly, fluidly, rapidly, observantly, and at the same time without any excess fuss; just calmly, as if in weightlessness. Sensitively feel how something is acting through you; this is Prakritoshakti, which regulates the movements of your muscles. You become just the observer of all this work. Do not think about the results and purpose of the action, simply observe. Notice how the eyesight becomes fixed and calm under its effect, and the eyelids drop lower to cover part of the eyes, and the focus of the eyes lowers slightly, as if you’re awareness is taking in the entire space around you, not fixed only in the point directly in front of you.

Dhlanynatyam is a meditation practice to work with this phenomenon. In this practice you begin to make spontaneous sounds, as you allow them to flow out of you, and as you let your mouth speak, all the time simply being a witness to what is happening. After some time this practice enables many different kinds of voices to speak through you. All that is required for this is to mentally ask a question, then empty the mind and to begin dhlany. For example, you can connect with Christ whilst looking at an icon of him or reading the Gospels. Then you can ask him something and begin dhlany. After emptying your mind of all thoughts, it will suddenly feel as if someone is starting to speak through your mouth, it will not be your voice that gives the answer to your question. In the same way it is possible to connect to any essence/spirit.

After dhlany, start with natya-dance. Move freely and spontaneously, as if some unknown force puts you in motion. This force is Kundalini Shakti. You start to dance and continue with Dhlany. The dance continues but the dancer has disappeared. This is nedeyanye, when you become weightless, and observe how something is acting through you.

Mastering Natya, you can practice automatic writing. Take a pen, then completely relax your hand, as if it is not yours. Have the intention to connect to a particular being with whom you have an affinity, ie, open yourself emotionally to Buddha, and pronounce the name “Gautama,” recalling all that you know about this great being, and then feel how he begins to act through your hand, and ask a question, clearing the mind of all thoughts. The hand will start to move, writing some signs and such like, and then the answer.

Practicing nedeyanye, you will become the conductor of Highest Powers. It is very important only to tune in to them. Many people have suffered because they were not tuned in to the Highest Power, which allowed dark forces to manifest through them. But you do not need to worry about that.

This is the first stage of contact with Highest Cosmic Powers on the great Way of Tantra.

May you have success! OM!


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TANRIC MASSAGE "Ida and Pudgala"

In The Orient it is said: “In the beginning there was one. It divided into two. Two divided into three, but three became the whole world”. One – this is one God, which is experienced at the nirvanic level of existence, next comes the causal level that divides into two contradictory parts: black and white, light and dark, good and bad, yin and yang – the origin of the feminine and masculine. In the physical body these two polarities manifest as two energy channels which flow along the right and left side of the spine. They are called “ida” and “pudgala”. Each channel influences the corresponding side of the human body. Pudgala governs the right side – the motor circuits, it correlates to all that is active, the masculine and giving. Ida governs all that belongs to the left side – such as sensory perception and feelings, and is connected with passivity the feminine and receiving.

During the massage the healer puts the person face down, with the arms parallel to the body and the feet slightly parted. Then the healer gets into a comfortable position and mentally connects with the abundant energy of the earth, and then starts to fill the left side of the person with energy and all the feminine qualities, beginning with the feet and afterwards directing the energy throughout the whole of the left side of the body. Then the healer continues the massage from the right side of the body, moving over to the other side of the spinal divide, and changing the qualities of the energy. Now the healer gives masculine energy, and massages the body down towards the right foot through which any excess energy exits the body.

During the session concentration on qualities of both channels needs to be intense and constant. The movements of your will are directed by the energy itself if you are open to it.

The energy of the feminine essence can be visualized as a blue flower and the masculine essence a red flower. Create a very clear pathway for the energy to flow through the body; almost like a horse-shoe. During the session speaking with deep and strong emotion will help to connect to the required energy. At the end of the massage the healer makes a firm disconnection from the energy flow coming from the Earth. The session lasts about 15-20 minutes.

May Health, Happiness and Love be with you!

Secrets of many oriental mysteries will be opened in the coming lessons, dear pupil. Till our next meeting!

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How to get your beloved husband to return

Why does love disappear? Where do all the bright and wonderful feelings go once a couple start to live together? The truth is the ability to love is a great art which needs to be learnt. But none of this is explained in our schools or institutes; unfortunately nothing is said about it. Why else does it take monks 40 years and more to learn to love God and others as themselves?

One well-known comedian said: "If your wife left and you didn’t grieve, then wait – she will return, and with her the grief!"

Within a family where there are two opposite energy structures, one being a yang energetic charge and the other yin, it means that one partner will express the energy of fiery or air signs (astrological), and the other will express the energy of terrestrial or water signs. In such cases there will always be a tendency to friction, and different conflicting situations will come up between this man and woman. If there are two people with the same predominant signs their relationship will be harmonious, and the family will live a comfortable, lazy or passive life, in which stressful situations will rarely arise. Sooner or later this young couple will start to look like young elders, and moreover, ill. Why? Because the more friction there is in a family, or at work, the healthier people will be.

Any friction confronting a person from the external world is a resolution of an internal conflict – if a person can understand this energetic process. But if they remain ignorant of this process, their energy will be misdirected and will invariably explode in various external situations or onto others. The worst situation of all is when a person starts wanting to express their anger or frustration to their partner, but instead holds it back, which forces this energy inwards where it takes on distorted forms. When other similar occasions arise this distorted energy cluster begins to grow, and takes on its own consciousness, as a result – this “creature” starts to lead the person. This is how and why aggression starts to develop in husbands which can reach the point where they start to be a threat to the family.

Unfortunately, people do not know how to change this prevailing situation. What happens when a conflict hits? This is like a toughening spark, which first heats up the physical bodies and then cools them down again. Couples often say that by arguing they raise their energy, and clear whatever scandal has arisen, thereby having no more issues or claims over each other. If a family were to live like this all the time, these people would develop very quickly, and many surprising things would occur. Surrounding people cannot envy such a family because the family actually creates around themselves such a strong energy field that it acts like a screen so that other people can’t “see” them. The density of their field would cause any surrounding people to weaken at the knees, shifting people’s normal point of perception. Other people will not be able to see the internal work that goes on within this family, or be able to perceive their great energy. But anybody who interacts with members of this family would receive energy, because they have it in large quantities. The couple in this family would soon realize that they have a happy life, as they observe how their wishes and intentions are realized much faster than other people’s.

Try now, in this moment to change your perception about conflict, and the next time some scandal or misunderstanding arises in your family, ask yourself: “Can I love this person who I live with for what they are doing now?” If your answer were positive and there was real love, then no conflict would ever occur, but the fact that it has occurred means there is the possibility to develop energetically, for you and your partner. It is also useful to remember past negative situations and imagine yourself in the position of the other person and say: “I did this because of that…” And in this way you will discover the reason why your partner acted the way they did. Doing this you attract a special kind of energy to you which will help you to rework any negativity that remains within you into positive energy.
Love and patience to you!

The real miracle

Svetlana Samoletova from L.A.: "When my husband left me and my fourteen year old daughter, it was a big shock. At the beginning I cursed this woman who had taken him away. I went to see different witch doctors, and they all told me that this woman had put a spell on him. Someone offered to return him by taking the case to court; another person suggested putting a curse on this woman.

But in my heart I felt none of these things were necessary or right. When he came to visit or I saw them meet on the street, my heart felt like it would drown in blood and burst. Yes, like that I cried to myself bitterly every night; and I couldn’t sleep. I tried to act with pride and dignity, showing my independence, but it didn’t help. I begged him to return, but it was no use. And when I reached the point of complete desperation, one woman – a healer, suggested that I go to the School of Tantra. At this moment I was prepared to do anything, so I didn’t think much about it, I just signed up. Soon I received answers to my situation which helped me to reclaim myself – the bright person that I used to be many years ago in my youth.

As I started to practice the exercises given by the school, I experienced a huge increase of energy; I didn’t want to eat or sleep. All I wanted to do was move and dance all the time. As a result I realized I had lost ten kilos. But this was only the beginning. I had already learnt how and what to eat, when to be active and how much, and also what points of the body to massage and heal. The instructor taught me that it is very important to dress beautifully, to wear make-up and always be in a good mood and friendly. I liked my new life-style so much that even my daughter told me I was looking younger day-by-day. I stopped crying at nights.
Once I was with family friends, for someone's birthday. Totally unexpectedly for me my husband arrived. I decided to put into practice everything I had been learning: I acted the queen. I became the center of attention, expressing high and positive emotions, and it captivated everybody. I treated him like all the rest, as if there had never been anything between us in the past, and it all worked. The next day he was at the door on his knees, as he asked me for forgiveness. I forgave. Besides anything else, our daughter needs a father. But now things are better than they ever were before because I know to always keep myself in good form so that my life will always be at this height of happiness and success".

May you and your close ones understand each other even from half a word!


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How to find an ideal partner

Looking for your second half is not a question of luck, but it offers real steps towards your happiness. As in every way there are difficulties. There are many people who experience situations like this: “For a very long time I couldn’t find a partner. I felt as if nothing was ever mine. And then I met a fantastic woman, but nothing seems to come from it. Why?” The School of Royal Tantra has the methods to help overcome these kinds of situations, and even to avoid them altogether.

“If you have problems in your relationship with your partner it means there are causes for these to have occurred, and if you don’t try to understand them or improve them, these problems will start to grow like a snowball, and you will find that a cycle of failures and upsets will continuously repeat in your life, even if you change your partner. Your happiness and joy will disappear and illnesses, uncomfortable situations and problems will come. So what can be done?

Manifesting Our Ideal

It is an ancient Tantric practice. It has been described best in the myth of Galatea and Pygmalyon. Pygmalyon was an ascetic, and a priest of the cult of Aphrodite. He decided to make a statue to express the image of his ideal – Galatea. Recognizing the depths of his love, Aphrodite gave life to this statue.

Onome (our Ideal) has only higher bodies. In order to manifest them on a denser level, we must create an etheric body for them with the elements of subtle energy. By collecting subtle energy and creating a phantom body for your onome you will make way for his/her manifestation.

If it is successful, then onome will take a physical or etheric body, in which he/she can be closer to you and you will be able to connect and unite on deeper levels.

Another way to manifest onome – is to awaken your ideal within your partner, but for that to be possible it is necessary that both of you have the same wish and the same spiritual aspirations. If that is the case, then to find your ideal, you can make contact with the ideal of your partner and enter the state of nedeyanya, allowing them to manifest within you. Your partner will do the same. Then each of you will become the embodiment of each other’s Ideal. Their Ideal will transform you continuously, even physically. But most importantly this act will establish a state of unity and deep union between you that you could not have experienced before.

There is one legend that in the beginning human beings consisted of two parts and were equal to the Gods. But as man did not have a higher consciousness and had such great power he was dangerous. That’s why the Gods divided him in two—into man and a woman, human being and onome. And since then instead of striving to return to a state of equality with the Gods, human beings have been searching to find their other half. And this is why so many people try to find their ideal partner and remain unhappy. But if a couple were lucky enough to find each other they would rediscover their godliness too – that’s how the story should end.

This kind of union can exist between two people who manifest each other’s Ideal, or in the case of a person without a partner, by seeking to unite with onome, they can at the least manifest them on the etheric level.

What kind of union are we talking about? First of all about the union of the subtle bodies on the energetic level; union of all the chakras, which means union on the physical, sexual, emotional and mental levels as well as at the level of will. Although you will still feel yourselves as separate and different beings, you will be united – you will have one body that has two parts, one energy-system, with the same emotions, thoughts and united will. It is only at the level of the first monads that total union does not occur (since every being has its unique individuality and spiritual consciousness). This kind of union is expressed within the Tibetan icon of the Kalachakra, in Sufi poetry, and especially in the poems of Ibn Al Farida (you can order these from here).

This process of unification is expressed in the mantra OM MANI PADME HUM where OM signifies the absolute, MANI – its masculine part, PADME – its feminine part, and HUM – their creative union. The energy of one part of this is manifested in the semen, which is the highest substance that the human organism produces. Uniting, a man and woman give light to a new life, but they can also create an embryo of their immortality, using this energy. This fantastic embryo of immortality as it is known in the Taoist tradition or the philosopher’s stone in Alchemy, is in fact our subtle bodies that for now are still only in their embryonic stage, and until they are developed our Spirit is unable to express its Divinity fully.

The practices and rituals which have been kept alive through the Antique Slavic method, help even with this situation to change your life, making it happy and joyful.

Strive for your happiness, for your ideal!
What should a person do if their Ideal seems unachievable for a person: let it go or… What does the school offer in your case?


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About the Royal Tantra School

Royal Tantra School

Distant Learning .

This is becoming a popular method of learning for people who want to train for their career, improve their business or simply to acquire health and happiness in their love life in a convenient and easy way.

“She came into the kings’s room. Fear turned into trepidation, her breath was cut off from excitement, and her whole body was trembling from the feelings that were filling her. Muzty stopped in front of a large transparent curtain which separated the room from the huge terrace, and saw him.

He was lying on a velvet couch observing the night sky. He was handsome: the whole of his being radiated power and might. The girl looked at her master as if bewitched, too scared to move. He was helping her to understand many things of this world: of life and death; how to be a goddess for a king; and what love between two for God is. But as yet she did not know she was about to be initiated into the mystery of Tantra, Magic and Love….”

* * * What does a woman embody?

* * * What does a man embody?

* * * She gives birth to the new, attracts love

* * * He bears power, mind and new ideas

When they unite together, two halves become whole

Manolis, Greece

“My wife and I were on the verge of divorce because there was no excitement in our sex life. Frankly speaking I was looking for another woman. But suddenly I started to notice some changes: it became more warm and cosy at home, my wife was looking different – even at home she was dressed beautifully, and her body had a new fragrance; I wanted to come up to her and put my arms around her all the time. Surprisingly I was being lured home after work! Once my wife radiating allure came up to me before going to sleep, and drew me to the bedroom…It was a delight! How soft and gentle she was! I fell in love with my wife like a young boy!

She told me about the correspondence school of Royal Tantra, and without thinking twice I agreed to do Tantric rituals for couples with my wife. You wouldn’t believe it but I am 20 years younger! That is the power! In the spring we are going to St Petersburg to attend a Tantra seminar to make our family stronger and to get a Cosmic Initiation for Lovers!”

“…At first there was futility. Shiva and Shakti were sleeping at that time. And Shiva moved and Shakti stepped away from him. That’s how the separation happened. Shakti asked “what is Tantra?” Shiva smiled “Tantra? Oh, it is well-being, prosperity, Love in God and eternal youth”.

From an ancient manuscript “Kings Rule the World”

Love is a special feeling given to us from above; this is the mystery of life.

In ancient times there was a legend according to which in the beginning man was a united whole, encompassing both masculine and feminine; he was equal to God in his power. As he was not perfect and his power was dangerous, God divided man into two halves – male and female. Since that moment instead of being humble and obedient and worshipping God, these incomplete halves spend their lives urging towards one another.

That’s why people spend a life-time looking for their second half, and not finding it remain unhappy and lonely. We were never taught, either at school or at home, how and where to find a partner, or how to have understanding between husband and wife; how to become happy.

The School of Royal Tantra comprises ancient knowledge about hidden life energy in both a man and woman – Kundalini-Shakti; the energy that can lead to their harmonious relationship and that can transform them into holy creatures.

Since ancient times there have existed Tantric sexual rituals which helped people to acquire health, youth and longevity. Modern civilization deprived us of the magic of sexual relationships and in turn severe diseases, misfortunes and catastrophes came.

Scientists say openly that 90% of all diseases on Earth are caused by the inability to use sexual energy correctly.

This school will give you a unique opportunity to not only learn to awaken this improbable power “sleeping” in us but to open the way for its creative realization.

Through special and ancient Egyptian, Indian and Chinese Tantric rituals women and men, students of the Royal Tantra School are learning to feel the beauty and the aroma of their body; are learning to awaken sexuality; to find and get united with their ideal.

Just after the 1st course many couples got together and found the happiness of love again.

While learning through the Royal Tantra School you’ll stop leading a routine, monotonous life. Your destiny is to learn great secrets which were known only by kings of great civilizations.

We are waiting for you with Love! We are here to help you to become happy with your beloved one!

Royal Tantra School of Distant Learning.

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