3rd Tantric seminar

"Tibetan Dakini`s dance of love"




Song of a priest

Summer meetings of the closest friends during lunar nights and sunny days in Greek for the name of Tantra and Love...

3rd of 108 levels of Tantric seminars

(only for advanced students)

from 15 to 19 August

+ days extra 20, 21 and 22 of August

• Awakening of deep layers of sexual energy of men and woman...

• Mystical amorous games in the ambient of candles and in the water...

• Indian rejuvenating massages with fragrant herbs for the beloved...

• Unforgettable sensations with erotic techniques of touch from Tibetan Tantra masters...

Program of this summer meeting

Etiquette and the Sacrament of the first meeting.

Who is my partner by energy?

Principle of selectivity.

"Magic table for the enamored ones" - "afrodiziaki" food awakens sensuality and kindles the passion between partners.

"Summer svirel'" - the dance of the Slavic goddess of nature and love: tightly interlaced bodies, touching of lips, cheeks, ears awaken partners and lead to enthusiasm and rapture... The state of youth and beauty wakes up in you.

It is interesting to know that…

the word "prelude" comes from the Latin word “praeludium” – “praeludo”, what means - "to play preliminarily". Person, who first named preliminary caressing as a prelude, related to sex as to an expression of art.

Art of love.

Prelude of caressing, hugging and opening of sensuality.

Reach the new point in touch of your partner.

"What can do a kiss?" - Amorous technique "method of the mirror" – what is it?

Are you worried about wrinkles, flabby skin, diseases and… solitude? Slavic method of caressing "The Kiss of a butterfly" and Tantric asanas of the "Yoga of love" will change not only your appearance, but you will be filled by internal aroma, enthusiasm, attractiveness and sexuality. But this is the secret of eternal youth of kings. Aren’t you worthy to become the happiest? We help you in that.

It is interesting to know that…

* Frenchmen call the kiss -"union of souls" and use not only lips, but also the tongue separately from lips. By the opinion of amateurs there is nothing more erotic than that!

* the enamored Eskimos push their nose against the cheek of a partner and stay like this for several minutes!

* a kiss can be tender, sweet, sharp, extravagant.

* a kiss produces in organism a substance that 200 times exceeds morphine - enamored ones feel happiness, enthusiasm and joy.

* Kiss activates 29 face muscles: this training is an outstanding prevention against wrinkles. And what is the most important, during a kiss, enamored ones transfer to each other substance of fats, salts, proteins, which increase immunity!

Five human senses.

How to see divine essence in the partner?

Bioenergetics of a couple, how to create it.

Discovery of erogenous zones on partner’s body.

Fantasies of enjoyment from amorous poses of body and hands during the rituals of massages by fragrant Tibetan and Altaian herbs - this will bring to your relationship the long-awaited harmony and mutual understanding.

The look, the taste and hearing – how to love without the words?

"Eye to eye" – Tantric method how to draw attention to yourself and proximity of partners at a distance with the help of the image of Onome.

It is interesting to know that…

"Erotic fantasies with the image of God Dakini strengthen excitation and increase the energy of orgasm. Couple becomes more excited, experiences high pleasure from sexual proximity - the aging process of organism stops for a long period."

From Tibetan Tantra practices

Development of thin bodies of man and woman.

What is cosmic orgasm?

Transformation of immortality.

"Mulabandkha", "Vadzhroli" - classical Tantra-yoga exercises for strengthening the intimate muscles of woman, and establishment of control over sexual process for the men.

"Yoga of love" helps you to control your body and internal energy Kundalini during intimate meetings, to direct the awakened energy fluxes to higher centers. You feel bliss, strength, health and enthusiasm!

"Kundalini- yoga" - tantric practices in couples with the use of sea pearls will protect you against external negative influences, will free from stress, diabetes, asthma, diseases of womb, liver, kidneys and urinary tracts, restore immune system, and also remove ear- and headaches.

It is interesting to know that…

** German and Austrian scientists discovered that all organs and subsystems of human being are calculated approximately for 150 years of work.

** by statistics two thirds of all deaths are connected with the diseases of blood circulation and heart. But precisely asanas of hatha- and bhakti- yoga - yoga of love, are the best methods to prevent such pathologies.

** Pranayama increases the immuno-biologic properties of blood and skin, immunity against infectious diseases, optimum level of metabolism.

** Stress destroys human organism. Specifically, Tantra-yoga and active dances are anti-stress.

** head bandages made of pearls treat allergy, eczema, diabetes, asthma, gynecology, liver, kidneys.

Alina, Spain: "In Tantric seminars in Greece I met real people! This is the Elite of the strongest, most successful, clever, developing people from the entire world. And I really met my happiness - my dear man! I waited so many years that my dreams about happy love would come true!"

At the summer meetings in Greece you will be filled with love, happiness and beauty. You understand the secrets of harmony of life, and you will be able to change everything all around easily.

We wait you with love!